A Closer Look
WORSHIP & PRAISE – God has released His people to a life of private and public worship. Our chief goal is to proclaim and worship Him, because He is worthy. We see worship as both inspirational and fundamental to our faith and essential to an intimate relationship with God. We encourage you to enter into this special place assigned to all mankind, and invite you to enjoy the freedom here to worship God in Biblical expressions that ultimately focus on and honor our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Sing, dance, clap, lift up your hands and worship the Lord of Lords. He is risen, He is alive, and He is worthy of all our praise!
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP & RELATIONSHIP – we do not have a formal church membership program however we believe all members of the Church universal are to be a vital and committed part of a local church expression, like Christ Church Fellowship. We invite you to seek out the leaders if you desire to be committed to this local church, where you can grow, learn, and serve in a faithful community of believers. We do not see the church as an organization, but rather a living organism. Affiliation with a local church provides each individual a spiritual family to offer mutual encouragement, support, and accountability, challenging each of us in our daily Christian walk. This is essential to our faith and It enables believers to discover and exercise their spiritual gifts for the purpose of being effective and building each other up in the faith. A faithful commitment with a local church provides an avenue for relationship and gives the spiritual leaders a sense of commitment and responsibility for your spiritual well being. Real relationship is our goal.
CHILDREN & YOUTH – our children are vital to vibrant church life and we value their active participation. We are committed to providing the love, protection, support, and instruction needed to assist each family with encouraging faithfulness, fruitfulness, and spiritual growth. We have classes and groups which meet routinely to provide spiritual instruction and encourage real relationship with Christ and each other. In addition, we are committed to safeguarding and protecting each child we serve - therefore we adhere to strict guidelines for reducing the risks for abuse; and we properly train, screen (including background checks), and monitor all our church ministry staff and volunteers. Ultimately, we trust that each parent will be responsible for their child’s spiritual formation and promote participation in regular opportunities for worship and fellowship..
BAPTISM & DEDICATION – Every single one of us has entered this world as a child, with hopes and dreams, and endless potential. In response to God’s precious gift of life, parents make a public commitment to set apart their child for a life of worship and devotion to the Lord. We embrace baby dedication as a sincere desire to return our children symbolically back to the Lord, to be employed in His service. This is not Baptism, nor will this occasion replace Baptism in any way. Baptism takes place when an individual, at some point in his or her own life, makes a conscious and mature decision to follow and serve God through receiving Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Savior. Nowhere in the Bible do we see the practice of infant Baptism, as it does not allow for an individual, so young and unaware to make such a conscious and mature decision about his or her relationship with the Savior. This has all the capacity to be merely a ceremonial act, however as Christian Parents, we recognize that God has a plan and a purpose for our children that supersedes our own goals and ambitions There can be no greater potential realized for any child than to fulfill God’s plan and purpose for life, to be reconciled to God through the finished work of His Son Jesus Christ, and to then walk worthy of His calling for the short time while we remain on this earth.
COMMUNION & THE LORD'S TABLE – Communion is a memorial in which Christians identify with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, instituted by Jesus Himself. We routinely, in large groups or small settings, share together in communion as a part of our sincere devotion to God. We view this simply as a time in which we are reminded to join together in fellowship with believers and to remember what the Lord Jesus has done for us. The bread symbolizes Christ’s body broken and beaten for us; and the cup of the vine symbolizes His blood, which He shed for us as He died for our sins. As we participate in the Lord’s Table, we invite all believers who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation to join with us. If your children have also entered into this personal relationship with Jesus, they are also welcome to partake as well.
GIVING & OFFERINGS – often when people visit they are unsure about our position on giving because we are typically discreet about this service. Please know we are very committed to financial stewardship and New Testament giving and see it as a form of worship to God. All that we have in life has been provided by the Lord. So in prayerful response each individual and family should give as he or she has purposed in his heart before God. Our giving should be with cheerful and expectant hearts for God loves a cheerful giver. An offering box and envelopes are provided so you may enjoy the liberty and power of presenting your offering to God. When we are generous of ourselves with our time, our talents, and our resources, God will in fact use us to change the world. Be assured, God does not need our gifts, but He chooses to minister to the world through us in this way. With generosity we can never out-give the returns we receive in God's kingdom.Your giving and offerings will be received for the Lord's work through this and our partnering ministries.
LEADERSHIP & ELDERSHIP – In the church, we see the headship of Jesus Christ as being central to our fellowship and uphold Him as having first place in the New Testament Church. Jesus is Lord and Chief Shepherd among us, and the only central figure we wish to elevate. He alone is worthy of our worship and occupies first place in our community of believers. We have men who function together Biblically as Pastors and Elders - but no single senior pastor or church hierarchy. We believe that God has called, equipped, and released these individuals to serve this local church through a Council of Pastors/Elders which actively seek the Lord on behalf of the people. In response to this call, these men have also committed to serve and shepherd together in unity and collegiate ministry, in order to care for the Lord's church. We take this responsibility seriously and hold humility, accountability, and integrity as essential virtues to effective Biblical ministry. In this church, we have also identified some as Deacons who serve the ongoing daily needs of this church as God would direct. These are faithful and mature individuals who are committed to serving the church as well. We are deliberately committed to teams in ministry in accordance with scripture - and for purposes of accountability, diversity, shared responsibility, and integrity. We all serve together under the leadership of Jesus Christ and as directed and inspired by His Holy Spirit.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH, EVANGELISM, & MISSIONS – we are mandated to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Outreach and missions was a vital part of growth and opportunity in the New Testament Church. Therefore, a church which does not recognize the needs of the community or the nations will never truly experience the mission and ministry which Jesus has for all people. With our gifts, talents, finances, and other resources, we actively look for opportunities to serve people and spread the good news that Jesus Christ has secured redemption for all people. We are committed to serving our community in places and plans in which the Lord releases us through prayerful response to His call and leading by the Holy Spirit. Whether locally or to other nations, we are committed to serving the needs of the poor and less fortunate, while sharing this hope and making disciples to advance God's kingdom.
TEACHING & PREACHING – the purpose of Biblical instruction is to equip believers for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. It is given for our instruction, correction, edification, and enlightenment in truth. Our desire is to take these Biblical truths and share them in a way that is both relevant and practical to the issues of the day; and meaningful, providing clear takeaways which engage the church and offer a challenge for spiritual growth and maturity. We hope to engage each person touched by this ministry, and to inspire them to an active faith as we unpack and apply truths from God's Word together. God's Word provides timeless solutions for life!
SERVICE & SPIRITUAL GIFTS – we invite the release and sharing of spiritual gifts, Scriptures, and testimonies during our times together. Our hearts desire is to see each individual serve Christ, using their gifts and talents effectively in God's church family. Individuals in our fellowship who believe they have something edifying, encouraging, or comforting to share are encouraged to bring it to one of our leaders, who prayerfully will consider whether it fits with what God is doing at that time during the service. In an effort to encourage a spiritually rich time of fellowship in the Spirit with Godly order, we routinely have men responsible to assist with this process who are designated and available for the purpose of yielding to God’s Spirit throughout the service time. We desire to experience genuine liberty in our times together but also appreciate Godly focus and order. Individuals who have a genuine desire to volunteer or serve in any capacity are encouraged to seek out one of the leaders in an effort to seek God's plan together.
SMALL GROUPS & DISCIPLESHIP – worshiping in larger groups is great, but we are committed to providing opportunities in smaller and more intimate settings to enrich each believer and make room for personal spiritual growth. A family of believers is committed to togetherness and mentoring relationships leading to spiritual growth, opportunities to be effective, and times when we are genuinely involved in each others’ lives. Often this kind of authentic relationship and intimacy is realized outside of our Sunday morning celebrations. There are faithful men and women in our church who are eager to help others in their spiritual walk of faith. Small group settings provide an awesome opportunity to build relationships and foster growth. Therefore, we encourage each individual and family to reach out and find their place in relationship within God’s local family.